(b. 1979) I’m a British artist based between Somerset and London (UK).

I use performance to disrupt systems of power. Much of my work intervenes in consumer culture, subverting the mechanisms that sustain it: the language, media and labour practices. This results in a kind of radical nonsense, plunged into the smooth logic of capitalism. In a context of planetary catastrophe, I’m committed to the potential of art to intervene; to challenge dominant structures and propose alternatives to an absurd status quo.

Exhibitions include the ICA, Modern Art Oxford, Fondazione Prada, EVA Biennale, Z33, Casino Luxembourg, Kunstverein Wiesbaden, Lisson Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, Jerwood Space, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof, Museum of Contemporary Art Arlington, Budapest Design Biennale, British Textile Biennale, Qalandiya Biennale, Korean Cultural Centre and Southbank Centre. Residencies include Delfina Foundation, Raw Material Company, Arts Catalyst, SOMA and Hospitalfield.

Having attended the Slade School of Fine Art (MA : Distinction) I was a fellow of the Whitney Museum Studio Program. I lecture at Goldsmith’s and London College of Communication, and am the director of Kunsthallo, an artist-run space.

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