The Never Never 2022-3


“Did you know - there are more Porsches in Athens than anywhere else in Europe?”
(from a phone conversation with my father)

The Never Never explores contemporary myths: fake news, luxury branding and national  stereotypes. It examines how right-wing media used ownership of Porsches to make false  allegations about the Greek government debt crisis. In this work, a fibreglass Porsche is worn as a costume by Athenian performers. Like hybrids from ancient mythology, these farcical creatures emerge from the sea and navigate a series of epic landscapes before arriving at a photo studio.  All this is documented by a commercial crew, who in turn become actors in the performance.

Media : Video, Performance, Sculpture, Billboards, Text
Exhibitions : Casino Luxembourg, Kunstverein Harburger Bahnhof
Commissioner : Fondazione Prada
Credits : Vassilis Noulas, Kostas Tzimoulis, Vicky Kyriakoulakou, Despoina Chatzipavlidou, Alexia Sarantopoulou and Mary Loucy (Performers), Dani Pujalte (Photographer), Christina Moumouri (Cinematographer), Coda to Coda (Sound design)

Features : Lampoon Magazine, Metal Magazine, Hestetika, DAMN
